
Dude and his Girl - Look Ma, No Outlines!!

In a previous post I showed a character of a customers friend. Well this time I had to do the customer and his girlfriend. This is actually a revamp from the very first character i did of him. That one, and I should post this for pure comedy sake, was done using only a blurry photo taken from someone's cell phone. If i can find it I will have to post as you really have to see this pic to truely appreciate the absurdity of it all. It was quite the moment. However this time I was provided with a much better pic... it was in focus! Hoo-ray!! Anyways here is a random dude and his girlfriend. With this one I set out to NOT use ANY outlines. That dosent usually translate well at work as these are literally shrunk down to .387" x .387" Still though we do posters and flyers so the detail does get seen. I really liked doing this without the outlines and may experiment with it further.

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